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-jr-MusicRevue 04/14/10

read more -jr MUSICREVUE here

This week we are going to take a spin on some local artists that are up to some good shit in our fair city. The coolest part is you can sang their music for free. So good Detroit-based bands and even better recordings.....balls to the wall!!!

Black Lodge-Live At A Bachelorette Party

Black Lodge is one of those bands that you find and can't stop name-dropping them to everyone who is "into" music. They describe their sound as Dance-Punk, Indie, No Wave, Post-Punk, Shoegaze, and Detroit. There is definitely an art house feel to this band. Swriling bass lines carry the songs as stacattoed, interjected guitar pops punctuate the verses. They range from slow-beated emotional build ups complimented by shrill screaming vocals (Dreaming In Dealey Plaza to poppy dance numbers that feature a voice-over calling out dance moves for the collective audience (Square Dance). The more and more I listen to Live At A Bachelorette Party the more I am completely captivated by this band. I think that it is fitting that their first release is a recording of one of their live shows. This really gets across frontman Kyle McBee's prowess from placid at times to demon-speak at others. Black Lodge is definitely on short list of bands to go see over and over and they were the "diamond in the rough" that I was contented to find at the Metro Times' Blowout this year. Black Lodge's next performance is April 23rd at the Cadieux Cafe. Also, you can download Live At A Bachelorette Party for free right here.

Sisters Of Your Sunshine Vapor-Sisters Of Your Sunshine Vapor LP

Sisters Of Your Sunshine Vapor is currently the penultimate representation of Detroit Psychedelia. They are very very close to breaking into the indie mainstream. Recently they have been recruited to perform at the Austin Psych Fest by noneother than The Black Angels. Their self-titled LP was released in late 2009. The release was met with overall positive reviews. My personal favorites off the record are 2009, All You Lovers, and Spaceman Blues. This band puts on a great show, often with the use of projected video or overhead projector oil effects. With rigorous touring and a great consistent live set, it's wonderful to see this band taking the pervebial next step. You can download the self-titled LP for free here and even purchase a hand-screened vinyl copy. Sister Of Your Sunshine Vapor's next show is April 15th at The Magic Stick with Dead Meadow.

Trash Camera-Trash Camera EP

Trash Camera is a blues-rock based band, but it doesn't really do them justice to pigeonhole them into that genre. If there is one thing to be said about their musical stylings, it's that they are very very good at infusing a number of genres into their songwriting. Pulling from country, electronica, and dance they form a non-derivative original sound. Their live show varies quite a bit than their recorded material. Live, they are a 3-piece band and the performance comes across as a bit more intense and intimate than their recordings. This is not a negative. The live performance is what keeps you and me coming back for more; what makes go home and memorize the songs so I can mouth the words at the next show. Suffice it to say, the EP does a great job of displaying the range of their music capabilities. One song that particularly stands out is Dancing Devil. A great disco/club track that is brilliantly constructed and makes very very good use of vocal effects. You can download the EP for free here or pick a physical CD for free at most local venues or the next Trash Camera show which is April 16th at Donovan's.

If you would like something revued by the legendary -jr, feel free to mail hard-copies to 11859 Sycamore, Plymouth, Mi. 48170....and I am partial to vinyl.

-jr is a musician/dj/blogger/writer from Detroit, MI. He performs in the band The Jesus Chainsaw Massacre and writes a cultural blog under the same moniker. When Dj'ing he uses the handle DJ JCM. He has been an integral part of the Detroit Music mechanation for the past 10 years. He knows just about everything about music on both a local and national level. His opinon is gold and is infallible. This is what's been in my ear lately.