The first outing by The Dead Weather (Horehound) received quite a bit of critical acclaim. In my opinion, the record was largely hit or miss with only a few standout songs. The overall consensus, in my circle, that it received so much accolade was only because of the band's members. Yep it was another all-star lineup put together by the man who invented everything, Jack White. Still, I found myself excited at the prospect of a follow up LP. I liked the overall feel they were going for: a gothy bluesy and overall dirty swagger of a sound. Sea of Cowards is a tremendous follow up effort. It's an album that I haven't been able to stop listening to since I first torrented it. SOC takes a bit to get going but I find myself pleasently wating for the middle of the record. With I'm Mad, the sound really takes shape and falls into this Captain Beefheart-esque rhythm with Mosshart's wailing vocals over top. Die By The Drop follows suit with a 4/4 march bass beat with a disonant piano filling in on the 1/8ths trading of vocals between Mosshart and White. This is a great album for cruising in this hot hot summer weather and even better for driving with the windows down at nightime. I suggest getting it on the 2-tone Third Man Records vinyl as there is a special treat:
I believe you can only get the 2-tones via ebay or at the Third Man Record store in Nashville. However, if you like to buy shit on the internet like I do, you can purchase Sea Of Cowards in just about every format at theThird Man Records Site
If you would like something revued by the legendary -jr, feel free to mail hard-copies to 11859 Sycamore, Plymouth, Mi. 48170....and I am partial to vinyl.
-jr is a musician/dj/blogger/writer from Detroit, MI. He performs in the band The Jesus Chainsaw Massacre and writes a cultural blog under the same moniker. When Dj'ing he uses the handle DJ JCM. He has been an integral part of the Detroit Music mechanation for the past 10 years. He knows just about everything about music on both a local and national level. His opinon is gold and is infallible. This is what's been in my ear lately.