Download ~ I Feel Eternal
A divine marriage between melody and drone that flirts with the smiling demons of old-school indulgence and the redemptive angels that stir in their wake, Speck Mountain plays Berkley Front on Friday, April 3, 2009 during their national tour.Categorized as space-rock, dream-pop, even shoegaze, co-leaders Karl Briedrick (Guitar, Bass) and Marie-Claire Balabanian (Vocals, Guitar, Bass) like to call their music “ambient soul.” Releasing their sophomore album, Some Sweet Relief, nationally on March 17, 2009 through Carrot Top Records, the self-described “musical soul mates” write as a team, communicating in intuitive, womb-curled melody, exploded texture and spiky rhythm.
On the forthcoming album, the songs fill out the record’s canon with piano, organ, sax and vintage effects, the mixes booby-trapped all over with headphone-happy detail. Live, this new material projects a loose, narcotic swagger, taking off from atmospheric majesty into full-on hypnotic assault.