Dubya Tee Eff is a new band with three of the members from Ann Arbor Surf-Psych Band Tokyo Sexwhale. The above video is from their very first show under the new moniker. Whereas Tokyo Sexwhale was heavily surf based, often reinterpreting surf standards, Dubya Tee Eff is more of a free form jam. Basically they just pick a key and progression and run with it. The set was basically 2 long sprawling songs. I know I know, it sounds like it would be very boring but the set was quite the contrary. They have enough equipment and effects pedals to keep everything interesting. You can tell that this is a group that has been playing together for quite a long time. Every nuance and note is contingent on the feel of what the other people are doing. Really a cool idea, really a cool band. Unfortunately, Dubya Tee Eff doesn't have an official contact page yet, but I'm sure you can get to them through the linked Tokyo Sexwhale facebook above.
-jr is a musician/dj/blogger/writer from Detroit, MI. He performs in the bands The Jesus Chainsaw Massacre and Sheefy Mcfly & The Delorean. He also writes a cultural blog covering the ins and outs of the Detroit Music Scence as well as pop culture. When Dj'ing he uses the handle DJ JCM. He has been an integral part of the Detroit Music mechanation for the past 10 years. He knows just about everything about music on both a local and national level. His opinon is gold and is infallible. This is what's been in my ear lately.