So The Ruiners are releasing a new CD entitled "Happy Birthday Bitch" on August 24th through Pravada Records.

Here is the PR statement they put out regarding the new LP:
Please visit: www.myspace.com/theruiners
Track Listing:
1. Sugar Buzz
2. Love/Hate (Eat Me Alive)
3. Fix That Broken Halo
4. Charlie Laine Ate My Brain
5. Happy Birthday Bitch!
6. Suburban Cop
7. Messin%u2019 Around
8. Beer Time
9. Screw You
10. Panther Tears
The Ruiners are a band that owe the majority of their sound to the late 70s early 80s Detroit Punk Scene. This sound was formed by bands like The Sillies, The Stooges, and Dollhouse. A few of current Detroit groups fall into this category today (Circus Boy, Motorcity Orphans, Bootsey X & The Lovemakers). They are a shining tribute to the old. A reformation, a renewal, a resurgence. It's cool that there is a large enough (national) market that The Ruiners are able to get on an Indie Label like Pravada Records and get distribution. This isn't meant as a slight against their music, just that this raw, fuzz, distorted sound is not the mainstream (even in the indie market). Rather, it's what you have to dig to find within the catacombs of local music history lore. The Ruiners have been around for as long as I can remember, and what's always stayed with me is their insane live show. This, of course doesn't transfer well to the CD, but if you have seen The Ruiners once, simply spinning the 1st track of "Happy Birthday Bitch" will let you relive the last time you saw them. Help you to remember the dancers. Help you to remeber the pyrotechnics. HBB isn't the most polished record but it captures that era of sound where you didn't give a fuck and just wanted to get an emotion across. So what emotion are The Ruiners trying to convey with HBB? Basically, the fun in living by the motto of Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll. When you get a chance, download the new record. It's available on Amazon.com. They will be having a proper release party at The Lager House on October 1st. Also, there is a rumor that they may shortly be part of the Motorcity Special family....
-jr is a musician/dj/blogger/writer from Detroit, MI. He performs in the bands The Jesus Chainsaw Massacre and Sheefy Mcfly & The Delorean. He also writes a cultural blog covering the ins and outs of the Detroit Music Scence as well as pop culture. When Dj'ing he uses the handle DJ JCM. He has been an integral part of the Detroit Music mechanation for the past 10 years. He knows just about everything about music on both a local and national level. His opinon is gold and is infallible. This is what's been in my ear lately.