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FREE TICKETS: Murderdolls and newsflash my birthday orgie starts tonight

lets get the easy part out of the way
Murderdolls are coming to town and we got a set of tickets to giveaway late on a Friday afternoon
enter to win - email

Now the fun begins for me as it does every year
....another birthday celebration lies ahead over the next 10 days
Those of you that know me are probably saying
"hey Detard - Your birthday isn't until Thanksgiving Day...
what the hell are you talking about?"
But then those of you who really know me KNOW that when your bday falls on a holiday it becomes a slaughterfest week of its begins tonight with the Cult and will end Sunday November 28th with the Holy Toledo mack truck of hangovers and a credit card bill so massive it simply has to look at my checkbook in order for it start bouncing.
Look for a bunch of great photos all next week and MCB has a few new shooters in place to cover the Ann Arbor scene in the very near future.