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PHOTOS: Royal Oak Chamber of Commerce Winter Beer Fest by RebeccaMich

MCB headed to yet another beer gathering at Royal Oak Music Theater 1/30. This time for the Winter Beer Festival put on by the Royal Oak Chamber of Commerce.

We here at MCB know about beer, and were happy to take part in the tasting. Some favorites from the night included many of the local brews; Great Lakes Brewing Company, Frankenmuth Brewery who served a nice German-style Pilsner, Great Baraboo and our neighbors across the lake, Goose Island, out of Chicago.

Toward the end of the night, we got wooed by Schlitz,
which became The Boss' personal favorite and was chosen as "Beer of the Night" for quality and taste.

Overall we were happy to pick up a buzz,
but were a bit disappointed that there weren't
more of the local guys out there representing

Where were you Black Lotus?
And the Good Girls Being Bad sincerely missed our personal fav FOUNDER'S.
Where was MCB fav Bastone?

We know we'll see you at the next one. Michigan Brewers Guild Winter Beer Festival
is Saturday, Feburary 27th at Comstock Park. Just north of Grand Rapids.