DETROIT: The Geometry of Time
The great imitator,
art like life seems to repeat itself.
However the past is porous, entirely dependent for meaning on the
experience of the present.
Our understanding of cultural memory is also
constantly reshaped by the present, and so never truly repeated either.
Detroit: The Geometry of Time affirms that, within recent artistic practices,
interest lies in observing the mechanisms of this reinterpretation. The
physicality of much of today's art is an active reconfiguration of the past,
replaying known events and strategies while positing a "truer" version that is
more in sync with current life.
Unconnected artists are breaking ever larger chunks of “history” into
their work: the bending of form and genre, the lure and blur of the real itself,
of the old with new.
questions this exhibition explore play out constantly around those of us who
live and create art in Detroit, and the Geometry of Time is a rigorous reframing
of what we imagine to be urban truth and memory combined.
Bruce Giffin
Bryant Tillman
Jef Bourgeau
opening: May 18,
Saturday from 6-10pm
Museum of New Art
(MONA), 7 North Saginaw, Pontiac
telephone: 855-DET-MONA