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HAPPY BACK TO SCHOOL DAY - Free signed vinyls from George Morris and the Gypsy Chorus ++++ Free tickets Patti Smith, Electric 6, Michael Franti, String up the Moon

Wow what a weekend huh?  We had a blast and hope you did as well.
Thanks to all who made it out for the MCB Happy Hour last Thursday at the State Bar!
So lets kick off the short week with some cool gives starting with a few signed vinyls from George Morris and the Gypsy Chorus who killed it at our party!

Signed 45's thanks to 53DT

George Morris & Helena Kirby rocked it out!

In addition to the kickass vinyls we have a few more pairs of free tickets to toss out there
so email for your shot to win

Electric Six play St Andrews Hall Detroit this Saturday night 

Get tickets here

The winner of the Patti Smith tickets from our happy hour 
couldn't make the show so back into the mix they go

Get tickets here

Michael Franti plays a solo show this coming Friday night 9/6 at ROMT

String up the Moon is a production by PuppetArt Theatre
get more info here

for your chance to win!!