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Check out "HATCHBACK 6" - With Entertainment Every Saturday Night in May!

Palomar and I dropped in on the HATCHBACK 6 opening last weekend over at the old Hamtramck police station (3456 Evaline).

HATCH is showing a great selection of 48 Detroit-area artists.  Everything from photographers, mixed media artists and more - definitely check this out while this show is happening.

You can tour the station too where HATCH has kept some old police memorabilia to look at,
and are even in the process of turning some of the cells and offices into potential studio space.
Not to mention, every Saturday this month there will be.... E N T E R T A I N M E N T !

May 12th - Don't miss TEAM MARSHALL - one of my favorite effed up, potty mouthed and rad to the power of SICK punk bands playing from 7 to 8

More about Hatch HERE