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Men Without Hats Are Back!

It's been 30 years since "Safety Dance" and more than 10 years since their last album, but after being re-energized from their tour, Men Without Hats are back with a new album on June 12th (June 5th on iTune) called Love In the Age of War. Call it my love for nostalgia or retro-new wave, but I still have a big fondness for MWH's synth-poppy goodness that combined simple melodies and lyrics with an underlying edge of politics. The new album is produced by Dave "Rave" Oglivie who has produced past great bands like Skinny Puppy and Marilyn Manson. The first single is "Head Above Water" and you can download it for free with this link.
I interviewed Ivan from Men Without Hats after their show in October here last year, check it out: