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Bison Machine- Detroit's new super group - Fri 6/11 - Paychecks Hamtramck

Bison Machine

Friday June 11th 2010

Paychecks Hamtramck

2932 Caniff

This massive four legged mammalian assault sounds somewhere between early Sabbath and early 90s stoner rock with face melting goliath guitar riffage dominating their prehistoric soundscapes. Just like the name sounds, muscular, American, and pure sex.
Proceed with caution, the sheer sonic power
has consumed weaker souls and sired new ones.

Conceived in a single family wigwam in Indian Village, and thrust from the birth canal in a dusty basement in Hamtramck, Bison Machine rises from the unlikely parents of many former Detroit rock outfits. Come witness the carnage and prepare your appetite for the feast of the Bison Machine soul harvest. There is much more to witness live (soothsayers, cocaine ravaged hookers, lumbering 20 ft. Russian Bears that have changed the migration patterns of mankind for centuries, native american ritual executions, dragons, mystery, Ted Nugent, et al.)

Come see them Friday night, June 11th at Paycheck's in Hamtramck, performing with Tell the People (from Stereo Addicts and Until Sunday), the Handgrenades, and One and One and One (from Much Too Much and others).