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MCB-VIDEO - Izzy's Raw Art Gallery Corktown Detroit
If you haven't been over to Izzy's Raw Art Gallery on Michigan Avenue in Corktown you should grab your art supplies and mozy on over this Saturday for the weekly painting class.
The video above is from the student exhibit a few weeks ago (i showed up really late and missed all the action) - This is a very unique gallery owned by 2 of the coolest artists around.
Exotica Detroit 2 - Leland Hotel Labyrinth - This WEEKEND
Bar Brady's Friday Drink Recipe - VERNORS SAKETINI
Vernors Saketini
One of Detroit’s healthy and delicious classics.
Well not really a classic or to healthy
But still.. its’ got booze and Motor City roots - enough said.
One bottle of good sake
¼ cup fresh chopped ginger
Two liter bottle of Vernors ginger ale
Some ice
1) Drop you chopped ginger into the bottle of sake.
Let it infuse in fridge over night.
2) Fill your pitcher with ice
3) Pour in ½ bottle of gingery sake. Stir it up.
4) Strain sake into Mason jars (that means sake no ice)
4) Add Vernors to taste.
Try adding a strip of crystallized ginger for a garnish
(chew yellow stuff comes in bags)
I’d stick with the regular Vernors on this one
Diet will make the drink too bitter
The Spy Who Loved Me - Redford Theatre - Fri / Sat Feb 29th/Mar 1st

Tickets - $4.00
Starring Roger Moore and Barbara Bach
The Dirty Drags - The Stonehouse - Sat Mar 1st

Saturday March 1st 2008
The Stonehouse
19803 Ralston St
Detroit, Michigan 48203
$5 cover
w/ The Casket Bastards.....oh yeah !!
Come check out 2 great bands this saturday night
The Stonehouse is one of detroit's oldest biker bars and is located over by the State Fairgrounds of 8Mile and Woodward Ave. - this is a do not miss gig!
FREE TICKETS - Cordero & Dengue Fever TONIGHT!
Monkey Rampant - Dreamland Theatre - Sat Mar 1st 9pm
Monkey Rampant
Saturday March 1st 2008
Dreamland Theater
26 N. Washington St.
Ypsilanti ~ MI 48197
Monkey Rampant will return to the Dreamland Theater again on Saturday, March 1, 2008 at 9 pm. Admission will once again by only $6, or $5 is you bring at least 3 non-perishable items for SOS Community Services. This is a non-smoking, all-ages venue, but please be advised that some of the content is not appropriate for children. Parents should use their discretion when deciding whether to bring their young ones.
Aural Bliss - PROOF - Thu Mar 6th

Aural Bliss Live - CD Release Party
Thursday March 6th 2008 - 9PM
(PROOF) Martini Lounge
Join Zumby and Mikeylove as they spin the best in Ethereal Dreampop, Britpop, Triphop, Shoegaze and Electronica live at Proof Martini Lounge in Detroit.
Thursday March 6th - Auralgasms presents Aural Bliss Live at the (PROOF) Martini Lounge in Detroit, across from Comercia Park.
MCB-VIDEO - Charlie Slick - Magic Stick Feb 2008
Check this v ideo of Charlie Slick last night at the Magic Stick
the boys opened for Health and CCastles
catch them this friday feb 29th Lusty Leap Year over at Corktown Tavern
Hey MOTORCITY mates !!! - Motorcity Artists in The Great Land of OZ


St. Baldrick's Headshaving for Charity - LUNA LOUNGE Royal Oak - Sat Mar 8th 6-9pm
1815 N. Main Street
6:00 - Event Begins - Registration - Etc...
6:30 - Shaving begins
7:00 - Some people are still building-up the courage to go bald
7:30 - First Round of Raffles - There's hair all over the floor
8:00 - Second Round of Raffles - "You look great with no hair," echoes throughout
8:30 - Final Round of Raffles, Thank You All - Baldness Abounds
9:00 - Event wraps-up and Shavees look for a hat to put on before going out into the cold
Fundraising Goal Achieved
Fundraising Goal:
Funds Raised:
FREE TICKETS&SWAG: Horse Cave Trio - Lager House - Sat Mar 1st

Better yet - they are offering up a few freebies to give to you readers of the ol' anti-blog
1st three emailers get the following prizes by emailing motorcityblog@earthlink.net
1st prize- Horse Cave Trio CD Pack (all 3 HCT cds)
2nd prize- HCT shirt
3rd-prize- pair of tix to the show to see HCT and Dirt Road Logic
If you dont win via the email you can always be a winner by showing up at the show this saturday night where HCT will be playing with Dirt Road Logic for a kickass cool show.
Saturday March 1st 2008
1254 Michigan Ave
Detroit, Michigan 48226
Cost : $5
Looks like the boys are buddies with the new owners of the lager house so you know the place is going to rock - get on down to the show and have karen crack you a cold one this saturday night
The Women of Rock - The Ritz - Sat Mar 1st
MCB-VIDEO - HEALTH Detroit 2008
HEALTH does more for you than improve your complexion - they totally jam out!
check the video post here from 2 hours ago as they rocked the motorcity and move on to play 5 months of dates including SXSW jams ....as they detour back and forth across the atlantic playing shows hopefully as receptive as the magic stick tonight - thanks for the interview guys!
here are some great photos from the show of health from a reader of MCB
Check this review from MCB's roaming on call show-goer Jeff Nolan:
Crystal Castles, Health, & Charlie Slick @ the Magic Stick
Tuesday Feb 26by MCB contributor Jeff Nolan
Arriving fashionably late, I tragically missed my friend Andy's band Charlie Slick. Charlie Slick is a very unique band to see live becausein addition to Charlie's electronic beats and chirping into the mike,Andy dances about operating a light tower, a strobe, a smoke machine,and a bubble machine while throwing glitter and confetti all about. Andy is leaving the band after two or three more shows, so if you areinterested the next to last time to see Charlie Slick as they are is Friday, Feb. 29 @ the Corktown Tavern.
Health is a noise-punk band from LA with a sound reminiscent of theLiars or Le Fly Pan Am. Their songs build off of crazy noises emittedfrom distorted guitars and stomping primal drum beats. To this they addodd timing changes, screaming vocals, and a lot of energy on stage. They played tightly and all members were fairly on point, but it waslacking some thing or element to really bring it all together. I metone of the guitarists and the drummer and while they didn't have much tosay, they were both very friendly.
After the Health set, the entire Magic Stick went dark for a minute orso before some electronic noise started coming through the PA. After itbuilt up for a while Crystal Castles flipped on the strobe lights andlaunched straight into a song you couldn't help but dance to. It wentvery much like this for the rest of the show. Crystal Castle consistsof a keyboardist who plays catchy hooks over a steady drummer and a girlrunning around the stage and into the crowd who occasionally providessome vocals. I've never seen the bouncers at the Magic Stick pull theband members away from the audience before, its usually the other wayaround. The entire dance floor was sweaty and moving with peopledancing more enthusiastically than the band, also usually the other wayaround.
Overall it was a great show, made better by all the fun people there, amillion random friends I bumped into, and on top of it the bartendergave my lady friend and I free drinks.
Broadzilla - Magic Bag - Fri Feb 29th 8pm

Friday February 29th
Magic Bag
Woodward Ave just north of 9Mile Rd.
Ferndale, MI
Lez Zeppelin
Doors 8 pm
FREE TICKETS: Exposure Detroit March 2008 Exhibit - Bean & Leaf Cafe - Fri Mar 7th 7-10pm

DJ HUMANFLY - 2500 Club - Tuesday Nights

2500 Club
Corner of Park and Henry
Lower Cass Corridor
Detroit MI
The big wedding at 2500 Club (an actual wedding I tell ya!)
FRIDAY FEBRUARY 29th (leap day)
(Like, really married)
Everyone's invited, including YOU!
w/ The Jollys + Troubleman + Casket Bastards
Cover $10 or a wedding gift.
I met Scott a few weekends back when MCB interviewed SHE and MOTORCITYBLOG wishes Scott and Janel the very best - CHEERS!

MCB-VIDEO - Manna & Quail
Here is a video recorded at The Crofoot Feb 16th 2008
We had an interview scheduled but it didnt happen - next time guys!
MCB-VIDEO - Wild Sweet Orange Interview
MOTORCITYBLOG caught up to Wild Sweet Orange over at The Crofoot on Sat Feb 16th
Check out some live footage and some words from the bands courtesy of our own AmyP
OVERHEADSPACE - Painted Lady - Sat Mar 1st

Saturday March 1st 2008
w/ WARHORSES (heavy trance rock) and BLUE BLACK HOURS (psychedelic rock)
Funk Shui - Black Lotus Brewing Company - Every Monday
Black Lotus Brewing Company
1 East 14 Mile Road
Clawson, Michigan 48017
Jam Session and Open Mic : FREE YOUR MIND
Motor City Kings - Nancy Whiskeys - Sat Mar 1st

Saturday March 1st 2008
Nancy Wiskeys
2644 Harrison
Detroit, 48216
"Come visit The Last, and I mean Last Real Blues Clubs in Detroit, from the Soup Kitchen, and Bakers Keyboard Lounge ERA. We love it here, come and let us really show you what live blues, and great music is all about." MCKings
Free Crack & Everyone Gets Laid - The Works - Tue Feb 29th
HATCH @ Hamtramck City Hall - Tues Feb 25th 7pm
Lusty Leap Year from Platinum Detroit - Corktown Tavern - Fri Feb 29th

Friday February 29th 2008
Corktown Tavern
1716 Michigan Ave.
Detroit MI
Now you only get to celebrate leap year every 4 years and it hardly ever falls on a weekend so get you ass down to Corktown Tavern and help celebrate with everyone's favorite Platinum Detroit who will be giving away sexy gifts and prizes all night.
On the bill is Detroit's own DJ Alexi (back from Amsterdam)
Sex Ghost!
Charlie Slick
FREE TICKETS: American Piety - Mitten Movie Project - Main Art Theatre - Tues Mar 4th 7:30pm

Doop & The Inside Outlaws - Park Bar - Fri Mar 1st
FREE CD GIVEAWAY - Health - Magic Stick - Tue Feb 26th
Bar Brady's Drink Recipes - EVERY FRIDAY!

We get lots of email here at MOTORCITYBLOG and we respond to some as we see fit but we kept getting an email from this one guy every friday about various drink recipes he was concocting at his bar that we should come down and try...they kept coming and coming so we decided what the hell - lets feature his drinks right here on the ol' anti-blog.
So here is the 1st of many drink recipes from our newest contributor "Bar Brady" - ENJOY!
Sick of the cold weather. It’s not too early to think, or for that matter drink, Spring!
Try a delicious Pomegranate Margarita
2 cups of ice cubes
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup water
2 cups pomegranate juice
1/3 cup lime juice
2/3 cup clear tequila
1/4 cup orange liqueur or orange juice
Step 1) Gather your longing for spring guests.
Step 2) Pour sugar and water into sauce pan. On medium heat, stir till sugar dissolves. Let cool.
Step 3) In blender, mix sugar solution, juices, tequila, liqueur, and ice cubes, until slushy.
Step 4) Pour into salt-rimmed glasses garnish with a lime and enjoy.
Step 5) Repeat steps 2 – 4
Rachel and Junk - Painted Lady - Fri Feb 22nd

MCB suggests a Painted Lady weekend in Hamtramck.....7 killer bands - 2 nights with a bonus track of Rock N Rummage? you cant miss if you tried !?!
Elle And The Fonts EP Release - Belmont Bar - Fri Feb 22nd
MOTORCITY TATTOO EXPO - Detroit Marriott/Renaissance Center - Feb 29th-Mar 2nd

MOTORCITYBLOG will be onsite Friday to interview the one and only "Tramp" who got this thing started back in the day so look for a video piece on MCB soon!
The 13th Annual
Motor City Tattoo Expo
February 29th-March 2nd 2008
Detroit Marriott/Renaissance Center
Detroit, Michigan
If your interested in attending any of the seminars you can register at our front desk beginning the day of the convention.
We will have live entertainment on Friday & Saturday with one of our own "Made in Detroit" Leighton Band www.leightonband.net check out the website.
Saturday & Sunday will both be busy days with the tattoo judging going on so if your interested in having your tattoos entered in one of our contests please check the Contest Info for times & categories.
Eternal Tattoos Inc. is celebrating 28 years of tattooing in the Motor City and with our 5 locations in and around the city we want to just say thanks to all of you who have and continue to support us."
Sponsored By:
Micky Sharpz Tattoo Machines
Eternal Ink - 886-846-8465
(313) 568-8000
Convention Hours & Admission
Guest Artist List
Tattoo Contest
DEEP CUTZ - Jeff Milo

Now some have noticed that we have been a little light on the posts this past week here at MOTORCITYBLOG and your totally correct.....we have been slacking a bit but in my own defense my wife just a baby and I have been chasing the neighbor around the hood all week but our MCB contributors are on the streets and we have a few new videos coming here later today so in the meantime checkout the newest music blog on the block from our friend Jeff Milo called Deep Cutz - Uncutz....this thing is packed with all the wholesome goodies you dont get here at the MCB - opinions! So give it a read and enjoy and make sure to leave a comment or two.
Gaelic Storm - Royal Oak Music Theatre - Thur March 13th

All Ages