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Show Preview: Purity Ring and Blue Hawaii at Pike Room Sat. May 4
Purity Ring from Edmonton is Megan and Corin's sticky, synth band that take dream pop and drop it in a shaker with rattles and pops. What pours out is emotional pop on a tight-rope that is balanced by Megan's angelic vocals. Their latest release is the Soulja Boy cover of "Grammy" and comes as a surprise as stronger hip hop vibes and rap turn playful and dangerous.
Blue Hawaii, which has nothing to do with Elvis hails, from Montreal is Ra- and AG- who put together a spacious blend of acoustics and samples into meditative songs that can also tug at the heart. Their full length "Untogether" features 11 songs that carry along a fragile path of soft melodies and Ra- flowing vocals acting as your guide.
Blowout 2013: Night 3
Loretta Lucas didn't impress me at Thursday's preview, but it was the first act of the night, and no one else was playing. The 9:00 performance didn't start until 9:30, even though everything was set up by about 9:15. I listened to just one song, and even though I was pleasant surprised at how much I liked it, I was too annoyed to stick around.
On to the New Dodge Lounge for Blair Alise and the Bombshells. Also late, but not ridiculously so. Blair is kind of a throwback crooner, and her band sounded tight. The problem was that the lyrics just didn't seem cultured enough, and this is coming from someone who still laughs when he sees Amy Poehler farting in a rerun. Once she's older (she's 16) and lived a bit more, I'm sure she'll get there, and I can tell everyone that I saw Blair Alise before everyone knew who she was.
Back to PNA Lounge for Craycrays. I must be late to catch on to how awesome they are, because the room was nearly full. The lead singer didn't like it when the crowd was too stationary. He would charge into the people in the front row to get them to move around. The guy that ended up spilling half of his beer as a result didn't seem that bothered by it.
The Oscillating Fan Club wasn't having trouble filling up the room at Small's either. Another good reason to go to Small's was that the Detroit BBQ Company was set up there. Their sauasge was greasier than I would have liked, but their coleslaw was awesome. It was the only time that I didn't think of coleslaw as just a cabbage and mayo slurry.
PNA Lounge again for Mexican Knives. The band that was supposed to go on before them, Boy Wonders, didn't show up for some bullshit reason. Mexican Knives decided to start early. Maybe that's not a good thing to do when music fans are trying to maximize their itineraries. Since I thought they wouldn't go on until 1 AM, I only saw their last song. Speaking of maximizing, this night's schedule didn't utilize the concept of staggering set times. Most bands of the night were started on the 00's. How am I supposed to get "blown out" if there's always dead time that can't be filled by running over to another bar?
I was never super into Sponge when they were getting massive radio play, and I sure as hell don't want to try whatever their new material is. I went over to Whiskey in the Jar for Sunlight Ascending. It's spacey instrumental music without that whole masturbatory vibe that Sisters of Your Sunshine Vapor give off.
Before Sunlight finished I could hear the marching band again. They were playing in the alley behind Amicci's Pizza. The crowd starting flowing out of the Whiskey to check them out. A couple of dog-walkers got caught up in it, to the point that they didn't notice that their dog had run off. It's just a living being that's become dependent on you. No big deal.
After several songs, including one by R. Kelly, the marching band, the revelers that had accumulated, and even the dog all crammed into Whiskey. This was around 1:55 AM. To me this a great example of the unexpected that can happen in Hamtramck during the Blowout.
Bands I saw that night that I'm putting in the "whatever" category: Sisters of Your Sunshine Vapor, 500 Club, Beekeepers, and Sponge.
I just can't call myself a fake journalist if I don't address some of the ill will in Hamtramck about the partial move to Ferndale. On Friday night the place to be for Blowout abstainers was the Outer Limits Bar, a long ago venue for the Blowout. Before Saturday night got under way, someone printed up stickers, stuck them on to old empty album sleeves, and passed them out to some of the bars. If you can't make out the writing at the bottom, it says "METRO TIMES WHITE FLIGHT FEST 2013".
While some Hamtramck residents simply said that they wouldn't be going to the Ferndale leg next weekend out of resentment, others were more vocal in their opposition. "It was our thing, and yes some sponsorship was always involved, but it was called the Hamtramck Blowout, and then suddently it became the Metro Times Blowout. I take exception to that fact.", said Tony (Topcat) Liggett. "Nobody else would do this when it started. We were the perfect place. We had the venues, and we had the people willing to cooperate to make it happen."
It wasn't all anger though. There was also some sadness mixed with pragmatism. "Well, I do wish more Hamtramck venues were available for the Blowout. Everyone is concerned about losing the festival to Ferndale, but there used to be a lot more options available when I first started coming to the Blowout in 1995. Lots of those bars are gone.", said August Gitschlag, a bartender at Whiskey in the Jar. "Besides that, I do try my best to make sure that Whiskey is a fun and entertaining spot for the large number of first time visitors the festival brings in, so that hopefully they see Hamtramck is safe and fun, and come back again another night."
Wild Bill Ketelhut provides the "blog" to this anti-blog

Wild At Heart
It has been a rough weekend and today did not get any better. Those who have been reading my web posts have heard that I have been taking care of my mom who has been sick and she took a turn for the worst yesterday. I spent 10 hours at the hospital yesterday and left work early today to talk to a myriad of doctors. It looks like my mom has about a 5% chance of living thru the week and I have been put in a position where I get to decide whether to revive her if something happens. That is not a decision I was hoping to make today on the way to work. I am getting ready to get some sleep and hope not to receive any calls from the hospital tonight because it won't be anything good. For my friends out there, keep my family in your prayers.
For the rest of my readers, here are some concerts that should be of interest, esp that Billy Bragg show on Tuesday.
Wednesday (5/01) - Billy Bragg @ the Ark, Pierce The Veil w/All Time Low and Mayday Parade @ The Fillmore
Thursday (5/02) - Bil Bondsmen w/Frustrations @ Garden Bowl
Friday (5/03) - Joe Bonamassa @ Fox Theatre, Titus Andronicus @ Magic Stick, Average White Band @ River Raisin Center For The Arts (Monroe), Ragbirds @ Loving Touch
Saturday (5/04) - Orbitsuns @ the Ritz, Emily Rose @ Black Lotus Brewing Company, Taylor Swift @ Ford Field
Monday (5/06) - Zoe Keating @ The Ark
UPCOMING: Dead in 5 at the The Token Lounge in Westland on Saturday, May 4
NEXT WEEK: catl @ Lo&Behold in Hamtramck - US TOUR SPRING 2013
Their furious live energy is an experience on its own…
WHERE: Lo & Behold! Records & Books
10022 Joseph Campau St.
Hamtramck, M
WHEN: Tuesday May 7th, 2013
WITH: Danny Kroha and more!
Dirty. Sweaty. Fun. Toronto-based catl. have a reputation for delivering a raw and fun-fueled night of raucous rock and roll/blues. Our main motive is to get people off their asses to enjoy a little dancin' and drink'n. So get ready, cuz' we're comin' for you Hamtramck!
Having released 3 full-length records and garnered great reviews for both their live shows and recorded material, catl. have built a local/national/international following for being a band that consistently delivers a good time. Real-life couple Jamie Fleming (catl) and Sarah Kirkpatrick began venturing into The United States throughout 2012 in support of their latest long-player, 'Soon this will all be gone'.
Totally well paced and dynamic, "Soon This Will All Be Gone" is a fun as shit revival of all the best aspects of delta blues and swampy jams.
This tour - the duo's introduction to the South - will find them crossing through Detroit before plunging deep into Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and North Carolina. Their U.S. connection runs deep having recorded 2 records with Jim Diamond at Ghetto Recorders (White Stripes, The Dirtbombs) in Detroit. Catl recently opened for The Alabama Shakes, and The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion on their latest tours. They really feel at home in America and found those great cities to be welcoming and ready to dance along to their take on rock'n rhythm and blues. Catl have taken the winter off to write a new record they hope to record in the fall of 2013.
Be sure to pick up your very own copy of catl's latest record 'Soon this will all be gone'.
Comes complete with a CD (for the vinyl impaired), and beautiful limited edition artwork full of critically acclaimed innards.
Come on Oeuvre - Robert Kidd Gallery - May 3rd
Come on
Come on Oeuvre for this spring starter!
Come on Oeuvre
May 3 -
June 1, 2013
FREE TICKETS - Help the Ferndale Public Library's Kids Music Program at MCB PICK OF THE WEEK: Hangin with Navdo Showcase - Rustbelt Market - Friday May 3rd 2013
"Hangin' With Navdo" is what Detroit is today;
SHOW REVIEW: Morris Day and the Time at Sound Board 4/18
Once the band (including original drummer Jellybean Johnson and Monte Moir on keys) was warmed up, Morris entered at stage left with his requisite mirror and always affable sidekick Jerome Benton. What followed was a blur of 80s superhits in a pseudo-medley that was heavey on hooks and grooves, almost like a DJ set. Little time was wasted on stage with hits like "COOL," "Fishnet," and "777-9311."
The party was jumping until Day left the stage during a guitar solo, only to return as a disembodied voice from backstage as the band laid into the slow jam "Gigolos Get Lonely Too." Upon his return to the stage, the ladies were swooning. To pick up the pace, an assortment of ladies were invited on stage to show off their "talents" during next set of songs. Perhaps unintentionally, funny this was by far the highlight of the show. The unflappably smooth Morris and the boys know how to work a crowd and the the resulting dancing during "Ice Cream Castles" was far more entertaining than the song itself.
The set continued to play out like a greatest hits package without any filler. The shiny suits and slick choreography distracted from the fact there was really no new material during the night. There was little mention of the recently reformed Original 7ven other than a stage rap skit from "Condensate." But there's nothing wrong with that.
THIS SAT: Paranormal Muster @ Historic Fort Wayne, Detroit
The 2013 tour season gets started in a big way on May 4th! Join us at Historic Fort Wayne for a day filled with thought-provoking discussion, exciting history, and the Midwest's largest organized paranormal investigation! Meet other paranormal teams and enthusiasts, learn new tricks and techniques, and explore one of the few remaining star forts in existence in the world today. Join featured speakers John Tenney (Realm of the Weird, Paranormal State: The New Class) and Todd Clements (Haunts of Mackinac, Ghost Hunters) as they share stories of their past encounters with the paranormal.
Tickets to this all-day event are only $25, and proceeds help fund ongoing maintenance and restoration projects at Historic Fort Wayne. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity - get your tickets today!
Schedule of Events
• 2:00 pm - Doors open / check in
• 2:30 pm - Opening remarks with Historic Fort Wayne Coalition President Tom Berlucchi
• 3:00 pm - John Tenney - Realm of the Weird
• 4:15 pm - Todd Clements - Haunted Mackinaw
• 5:30 pm - Chris Forsythe & Wayne Miracle - Haunted Fort Wayne
• 6:45 pm - John Tenney - Open Forum / Round Table
• 8:00 pm - Break
• 8:45 pm - Mustering (group assignments)
• 9:00 pm - 1:45 am - Investigation
• 2:00 am - Closing remarks and dismissal
In addition, guided historic tours of the fort and grounds will be held at 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm.
Blowout 2013: Night 2
All The Wild Children at Whiskey in the Jar. Warbling vocals and a crew that seems to come from many different sectors of the population. A high intensity backing vocal on the last song was reminiscent of Pink Floyd's Great Gig in the Sky. The cops showed to follow up on a noise complaint. You shouldn't even be allowed to make noise complaints on Blowout weekend.
Bleached at the PNA Lounge (they're from L.A., not New York as I first reported). Fun pop-rock from a California band, and they didn't have to go out of their way to imply that the rustbelt isn't cool enough. They fully endorsed 88 Avenue and their sixty-something DJ across the street, so I'm sure they can hang anywhere. I wasn't the only one digging this performance, as the room was nearly filled.
The Meatmen started with Tesco Vee dressed as the pope. A fitting entrance for someone who likes to shock. Did you know this guy is now 57, and an English teacher in the Lansing area? He of course later stripped down to his usual white overalls, emblazoned with the words "Dutch Hercules". I expected this to be the biggest act of the night. The hall at the PNA was only a quarter full, but the Meatmen still played like they had a full crowd.
The overall theme of the night must have been feedback. Every band complained of feedback, and none of them got the resolution they were hoping for.
Small's Bar finally knocked down part of a wall so that people can actually get to the stage. Now how will people signal to world that they're assholes by obstructing foot traffic? Don't worry, they can still create bottle-necks by the narrow passage way near the men's room that's closest to the bar. There's a good chance that this alteration was made years ago and I'm just now realizing it. That's how long it's been since I've been to Small's.
It's kind of well known that most of the bars in Hamtramck blatantly ignore the state's smoking ban. I can now confirm that Paycheck's and Jean's Lounge are amongst them.
Bands I saw that I'm putting in the "Whatever" category: Golden Torso, Twine Time, Electric Playground, Desolation Angels, Cloud Social, Greg McIntosh, Ronny Tibbs and the 305s, and Platinum Selection.
Stuff to see tonight
Loretta Lucas, 9:00-9:30, Polish National Alliance Hall. First act while no one else is playing. Hard to compete with that.
Blair Alise and the Bombshells, 9:30-10:10, New Dodge Lounge.
Craycrays, 10:20-10:50, Polish National Alliance Lounge. Killed it at the preview night.
Oscilating Fan Club, 11:00-11:40, Small's Bar. More than just the best band name ever.
Mexican Knives, 1:00-1:40, Polish National Alliance Lounge. (Disclaimer: This band has played an MCB show)
OR Sunlight Ascending, 1:00-1:40, Whiskey in the Jar.
Again, I'm sorry to leave some time gaps in my recommendations.
I wasn't going to recommend Amateur Anthropologist (Baker's, 10:00-10:40), but after seeing this savvy bathroom marketing campaign, I've changed my mind. This goes beyond viral. I'm talking multiple levels of microbiological marketing here.
Show Review: Yngwie Malmsteen @ Saint Andrews Hall 04/25/2013
Yngwie who? Yngwie Fucking Malmsteen, that's who. The legendary neo-classical guitarist brought his Spellbound tour to Detroit, MI where he did what he does best, captivate the audience with his incredible and divine guitar skills. Forging his skills since the age of 12 in his native Sweden, Yngwie has been influenced by such greats as NiccolĆ² Paganini and Ritchie Blackmore, which shine through in his complex and layered masterpieces of music that he performs. Fingers flying up and down the fret at the speed of light, Yngwie conjures sounds and melodies from his guitar that would rival the sounds of an entire orchestra. Delivering songs that span his entire library of music, from the early Grammy nominated Rising Force released in 1984 to songs from his latest release Spellbound, the fabled maestro had the rapt attention of the entire hall (with several air guitarists filling in second chair) from the first moment the smoke poured on to the stage until the very end, which he finished off with fan favorites Black Star and I'll See The Light Tonight. Catch Yngwie on this tour if you can and be held Spellbound by one of the greatest guitarists of our time.
Remaining Spellbound Tour Dates:
Apr 26 The Phoenix Concert Theatre Toronto, Canada
Apr 27 The Webster Main Room Hartford, CT
Apr 28 Carnegie Library Music Hall Munhall, PA
Apr 29 Wilbur Theatre Boston, MA
Apr 30 Irving Plaza powered by Klipsch New York, NY
May 03 Tom Lee Park Memphis, TN
May 04 House of Blues Chicago Chicago, IL
May 07 The Summit Music Hall Denver, CO
May 09 House of Blues Anaheim Anaheim, CA
May 10 House of Blues Sunset Strip West Hollywood, CA
May 12 Ventura Theater Ventura, CA
May 13 The Regency Ballroom San Francisco, CA
May 14 House of Blues San Diego San Diego, CA
May 16 Granada Theater Dallas, TX
May 17 Backstage Live San Antonio, TX
May 18 Concert Pub North Houston, TX
May 21 Pops Sauget, IL
May 23 House of Blues New Orleans New Orleans, LA
May 24 Plaza 'LIVE' Orlando, FL
May 25 Grand Central Miami, FL
May 26 The Orpheum Tampa, FL
Official Yngwie Malmsteen website:
FREE CDs: Colleen Green - Garden Bowl Detroit - Monday 4/29

If you are feeling blownout by your weekend then take Monday off and head on over Majestic to check out Colleen Green and win a free cd simply by emailing the MCB
better yet - buy one at the show and keep new music touring though Dietroit!
Recently named the "Ultimate DIY Punk Rocker" by BUST Magazine, tireless pop-punkette Colleen Green embarks on a massive nationwide tour tonight, kicking off in San Diego. For this tour, Colleen will be accompanied by a live backing band, and together they'll cruise through the Southwest, South, Southeast, East Coast, Midwest, Canada, and Northwest before finally winding down back on the West Coast. See below for the full spread of dates. Colleen's new full-length album Sock it to Me is in stores now, and has been hooking ears and turning heads all across the critical landscape.
Tour dates:
04.27.13 - Ottawa, ON - Pressed
04.28.13 - Toronto, ON - The Shop at Parts and Labour
04.29.13 - Detroit, MI - The Garden Bowl
04.30.13 - Columbus, OH - Ace of Cups
05.01.13 - Lexington, KY - Al's Sidecar
05.02.13 - Bloomington, IN - Bishop $
05.03.13 - Chicago, IL - Permanent Records FREE all-ages in-store, 6pm
05.03.13 - Chicago, IL - Empty Bottle $
05.04.13 - Milwaukee, WI - Hotel Foster $
05.05.13 - Duluth, MN - TBA
05.06.13 - Minneapolis, MN - KUOM in-studio, 6pm CST
05.06.13 - Minneapolis, MN - Memory Lanes
05.07.13 - Omaha, NE - The Middle House
05.09.13 - Denver, CO - GLOB
05.10.13 - Salt Lake City, UT - Salt Haus
05.11.13 - Boise, ID - Chamber of Death
05.12.13 - Moscow, ID - Matt's Basement
05.13.13 - Seattle, WA - Heartland !
05.14.13 - Seattle, WA - KEXP in-studio, noon PST
05.14.13 - Vancouver, BC - TBA
05.15.13 - Portland, OR - Jackpot on Hawthorne FREE all-ages in-store, 6pm
05.15.13 - Portland, OR - Crayon Coffin !
05.16.13 - Eugene, OR - TBA
05.17.13 - San Francisco, CA - Amnesia
05.18.13 - Los Angeles, CA - TBA
^ - w/ Widowspeak
% - w/ Cheap Curls
# - w/ Natural Child, Nightmare Boyzzz
! - w/ White Fang
$ - w/ JAILL
Saturday April 27th, Konkrete Jungle Detroit - Random Movement - The Works Detroit
[Innerground,Integral, CIA, Creative Source, Liquid V, Horizons, Intrigue, Peer Pressure, Westbay International, Spearhead, Nu Directions, Rubik, Driven AM]
Ever since climbing onto the soulful drum and bass vibe 9 years ago, Random Movement, aka Mike Richards' production skills and DJ technique have pushed him to the forefront of state-side drum & bass—drawing in an audience both older and younger. His unique sound has been spread worldwide, with performances at major clubs and festivals across 4 continents.
With the release this year of his album Lucky Guess, (out now on Innerground) and many collaborations with Mixmaster Doc, Marky & S.P.Y, Redeyes, Flaco and Ben Soundscape (of the Insiders), his tracks have turned many heads to his unique skillset in songwriting and production. R_m's soulful, smooth, deep and jazzy vibes have landed releases on Innerground, Liquid V, CIA, Integral, Bassbin, Creative Source, Spearhead, (and new collabs forthcoming with Ben Soundscape of Intrigue), Horizons, Westbay International and more.
Between tours, production, a weekly live radio show on, and a monthly podcast, things are continuing to be very productive for this very prolific producer. His uplifting DnB style and great personality are not something to be missed live.
More information: (podcast)
Blowout 2013: Night 1
The first several hours I was there was a bust. I expected to like the performance from Loretta Lucas, since I always liked her stuff before, but it didn't do anything for me. The drudgery was finally ended by Flint Eastwood. They started their set with spaghetti western hooks, and it drew me in. I'm a little scared of the lead singer though. She gets angry when the crowd isn't participating enough. She'll even call people out, "Hey you, in the white shirt, sing it!". I hope she doesn't stab me when they next play at the Loving Touch on Thursday (May 2nd), at 11:10.
Flint Eastwood was immediately followed by Craycrays downstairs at the Garden Bowl. They killed it. Showing up for this preview night was finally paying off. Their next performance is Saturday at the Polish National Alliance Lounge at 10:20.
After a little more boredom there was Alexis, an electro-pop duo from Grand Rapids downstairs. Who know you could buy jeggings in Grand Rapids. They can be seen next at the Loving Touch, Saturday, May 4th, at 11:40. (Maybe Johnston is hoarding the best talent for his bars after all)
The night ended for me with Phantasmagoria and Fur upstairs. Most of the crowd had already left before me.
What I would like to see tomorrow
Hunters, 9:00-9:30, Polish National Alliance Lounge. A New York band making the Blowout one their tour stops.
All The Wild Children, 10:30-11:10 Whiskey in the Jar.
Bleached 12:20-12:50 Polish National Alliance Lounge. Another New York band on tour.
Meatmen, 1:00-1:40, Polish National Alliance Hall. At first you'll think you're watching an angry uncle being backed by a crew of nephews, but you'll enjoy it. I promise.
I realize there a few big time gaps in between some of those recommendations. I'm at a loss to find something during those times, and I'll be just as aimless as you will.
Snakewing and Terrible Twos @ Polish National Alliance Lounge
Electric Corpse @ Bakers Streetcar Bar
Doc Waffles and DJ Mel Wonder at New Dodge Lounge
Six and the Sevens and Caveman Woodman at Polish Village Cafe
Get Ready for The Muggs Live at The Magic Bag 4/26

Tickets: $10 . Advance tickets available.
Age: 18 + Welcome
Time: Doors at 8pm.
WSG: The Steepwater Band & Chicago and local country singwriting starlet Katie Grace
Magic Bag 22920 Woodward Ave Ferndale, MI 48220
(248) 544-3030

The 4th release from the self proclaimed ugliest band in the world is styled as a band branded pinball machine in its double disc packaging, unfolding top to bottom rather than right to left.
The live recording was taken from a Cadieux Cafe show in Detroit, aimed and successful at capturing true Muggs style rock showcasing. Selections from the previous 3 studio albums plus Muggs favorites including The Beatles, a few tunes by Rory Gallagher and 'How do you sleep?' by John Lennon.

Listening to the almost 2 hours of songs, cheers and elated hosting, the recording drops you directly in the best seat in the house. It's warm, loud and heavy.
RECORD STORE DAY 2013 by Silent Films Bookings' Shawn Addison
There were lines at some stores that started hours before the businesses opened, which at first seemed crazy to me. Once I drove around to a few stores and talked with a few people who "celebrate the holiday", it became apparent that a lot of people have the same sentimental value over vinyl. Not everyone has some "way back in the day story" and, frankly, it's not necessary.
In fact, it was exciting to come across the random fellow vinyl fan who "just started collecting for fun", as most of us know...that's how it starts.
As for what everyone was buying, it seemed picture disk and rare or out of print records were the big ticket items. In my opinion, the crowd was split in two: people wanted new and old vinyl. The classics as well as some "newer" releases.
I was able to pick up a no-name rocksteady 7", a Beres Hammond 7", and two Fabulous Counts 7"s.
At Street Corner, my father surprised me with a 7" by one of my favorite black poets, Gil Scot-Heron. After sitting down with this serious haul, I made the decision to seriously invest in just 7" records for the time being.