2nd Annual Family History Festival
"Not Far From the Tree"
Saturday, September 29 @ 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
"Want to know more about your family tree? You’re invited to the 2nd Annual Family History Festival at the Detroit Public Library Burton Historical Collection on September 29, 2007. Throughout the day, nationally known genealogists will share their expertise through lectures and open discussions. Classes include a beginning genealogy course and genealogical research via the Web. This festival also places a special emphasis on DNA Research, Native American Genealogy, African American Genealogy and the National Archives.
Featuring Scott Forsythe Authority from the National Archives and expert on Native American Genealogy Deborah Abbott and De Witt Dykes, Jr.Authorities on African American Genealogy Colleen Fitzpatrick Authority on DNA and Genealogy
This program is free and open to the public. Free parking is available in the library’s Putnam Street parking lot and handicapped parking is available at the Cass entrance.