Exposure Detroit is not only an online FLICKR community but also has evolved into a group that has great social functions to support your photography learning and development.
ED accepts detroit area shooters into the group REGARDLESS of your experience or knowledge - its all about the love for photography itself and this group really does you justice when you are an active participant in the website discussions, learning groups and safaris including the ones listed below which is tomorrow at Campus Martius Park in Detroit.
Consider joining Exposure Detroit - Its free and fun!
Listed here are a few of the upcoming events for ED Members
Photo Safari starting at Campus Martius
Afterglow & White Elephant at Cobo Joes directly afterwards!
OFFICIAL Exposure.Detroit December Safari - December 13th
When: December 13th - Saturday
Where: Campus Martius-Detroit ( Meet by the Christmas Tree )
For: Photography of the Campus Martius area primarily for the Christmas lights and holiday decorations, etc.
Time: 5:00PM
Duration: 2 1/2 hours
Afterglow & White Elephant: Cobo Joe's @ 7:30PM.
Many thanks to the following Safari committee members:
Church of One
Cherie S.
Photos by Becky
They were instrumental in planning this Safari!
This Safari is sure to be a great photography experience for all and a good chance to get into the holiday spirit. So come on out and enjoy this evening with all the Exposure.Detroit group. This will be a great opportunity for all the new members to meet the rest of the group!
FREE Seminar # 1 Given by MCB (part timer) Contributor Ross S
OFFICIAL E.D. Seminar #1:
Introduction to Photoshop (December 13th)
by Ross Sandelius
The Exposure.Detroit Seminar & Education Committee will be holding our FIRST educational event where members of Exposure.Detroit will learn the basics of the industry-standard image editing program from Adobe... Photoshop.
When: December 13th - Saturday
Where: HFCC Campus Patterson Technology Building in Dearborn Classroom #T-163
For: Learning the basic tools of Photoshop as well as learning some time-saving tips and tricks from the pros!
Time: 10am-1pm
Duration: 3 hrs (with a break & discussion/Q&A time)
Recommended to Bring: Laptop with Photoshop if possible. I am requesting that anybody who is able to bring a laptop (or an extra laptop, if you have it!) with Photoshop please do so, as we can obviously not provide laptops for every person. The more people we can get to have a hands-on experience the better!
Please note: The classroom has a maximum seating capacity of 30 seats, so any additional attendees may have to stand (or maybe someone nice will offer their up for half the time!).
Special thanks to the Seminar committee members who have made this event possible...
Kevin Ridge
Aaron Fortin
Tego Jim
... as well as all of the additional Exposure.Detroit members who have offered up their help & knowledge.
These guys rock, so make sure to thank them at the seminar!
This seminar will walk you through some Photoshop basics, such as using the basic selection/manipulation tools, working with layers to add depth and dimension to your images, as well as exploring some of the effects that Photoshop provides for it's users to make their images really stand out!
Toward the end of the session, we will have a short question & answer session where you can ask questions about the topics that have been covered in the seminar as well as any other questions you may have. In addition to the Q&A session, we will also be offering up a "lightning round" of quick Photoshop tips and tricks to make your Photoshopping experience quicker, easier, and more efficient.
I know the date may not be ideal for some and that scheduling extra time around this time of year can be difficult, but becoming comfortable with this program is, literally, a game-changer for photographers. You will see your images differently after learning what you can do with Photoshop and you will assume total control over every aspect of your photos.
These are just some of the great events put on by the Exposure Detroit Commitees so check them out if you are a photographer and join if you want to become part of Detroit's largest photography collective.