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Trading CurtisG was possibly the worst move ever made...

let me say 4 things off the bat
this is a rare blog moment usually notated up top in the header
CG was the only reason in recent years I took my kids to the games
the rarity of finding a superstar who was stellar in real life was awesome
trading a player who had a supposed off year and then obviously getting the real media to play him with backlandish comments hoping to playcate the public

he was a player who killed it - every game I attended he was the guy who knocked out a homer or contributed to an long my opinion he was the roster's most tehnical player but WTF do I know besides my own old school Bball experience? Technically sound and demonstrating mad skillz - Curtis could have played DEMF as far as I am concerned and WOWed the crowd. We haven't order the 5 dollar ready to go pizza as of late but forget my season Olympia Entertainment tickets----maybe when they demo the old moose lodge i will realize they truly want to destroy De' Twat but read the words D O N E

this is really old news already but man i was hoping Curtis Granderson would retire a tiger and our advice is to bargain back this wayward son - hopefully next year

true talent is my guess that art carney would say

we do not do sports on MCB but this is a guy who WAS detroit until we were jerked over by some left eye winking dombro

CG wil do well in NYC - MCB wishes you the best

we support the team but this is just the wrong move
graphic as usually included is excluded