He has a radio program on WXOU out of Oakland University

Wild At Heart
I’m writing today with a mixed heart. On the happy side, one of the shows on WXOU, “The Real Deal on Sports” is getting prepared to do its final show. The show, which started in early April of 2008, is leaving for a new online sports network called the Detroit Sports Nation. This is a great opportunity for all those involved so congratulations to Neal Ruhl, Mike Parsons and Kyle Bauer for putting out a quality, award winning show on the station. I know this is last minute, but you can the last WXOU broadcast on WXOU 88.3FM or online at www.wxou.org today as the show runs from 11AM-1PM.
On the other side, my life has hit a crossroads of sorts. My mother who has been feeling under the weather the past month ended up in the hospital last night leaving me to think it might be time to head back home and help out. I’m not sure if this is going to happen but after talking with my dad, it might be the right decision. My job with the Census is recently over and I’m back looking for work. At this time, I have enough money to comfortably make the move so waiting for next Spring might be harder all the way around. The job market is better in NY than it is here though it will be painful to pull up the roots I have established, I might have more opportunities. I am not looking forward to making this decision though it is one I need to make soon. I’ll keep everyone informed through this blog and I would like to thank everyone who has made my stay in Michigan a pleasant experience. More later….
Stay tuned….